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India’s Trusted Inclusive Mental Health & Emotional Wellness Platform

Feel Stronger with Compassionate, Personalised Online Therapy

India’s Trusted Inclusive Mental Health & Emotional Wellness Platform

Feel Stronger with Compassionate, Personalised Online Therapy

We Understand, We Support.

Keeping in mind the unique challenges and life-events that women (cis & trans) go through, their mental health is also affected. To help you navigate through these emotions, AtEase – an inclusive mental health platform that specialises in working with women (cis & trans),offers online therapy with compassionate, trained and professional experts.

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100% Privacy Guaranteed
10 Mental Health Experts
563220 Lives Touched

Why choose us?


Lives touched

Happy clients

Happy clients

qualified experts

Qualified experts

Our area of expertise

We acknowledge the need for creating spaces that cater to women and their mental health. Our experts will support you in your mental wellness journey.

Enhance Confidence & Motivation

Enhance Confidence & Motivation

We live in a society where women are expected to behave in a certain way.
This can affect how women view themselves or their ‘self-image’ and can affect their confidence levels.
Our AtEase Experts will help you understand yourself and your challenges better.

Fulfilling Relationships

Fulfilling Relationships

Due to systemic oppression of women, the challenges between them and their partner are heightened.
To better understand these challenges and build fulfilling relations, one can take couple’s counselling with an AtEase expert.
Communicating our concerns is the first step towards a more fulfilling relationship.

Mental Health Conditions

Mental Health Conditions

Having a mental health condition is as normal as having a physical health condition.
AtEase experts aid in anxiety, mood, personality, eating disorders, depression, trauma related disorders, psychotic disorders.

Reproductive Life Span

Reproductive Life Span

Get support from AtEase experts for mental health issues related to reproductive health like irregular menstruation, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), PMDD (premenstrual depressive disorder) , infertility, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), menopause.

Perinatal Mental Health Conditions

Perinatal Mental Health Conditions

Ignoring mental health during pregnancy can result in your child’s low birth weight, preterm birth, physical discomfort, excessive crying and other development issues. Consult an AtEase expert now.

What do people say about mental health

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Anushka Sharma

Having anxiety and taking medicines and therapy for the same is completely normal. It's a biological problem. If you had constant stomach pain, wouldn't you go to the doctor? It's that simple.

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Michelle Obama

At the root of this dilemma is the way we view mental health in this country. Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there should be no distraction.

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Sania Mirza

I think everybody has their own way of dealing with mental health issues. Personally, I think it is very brave for them to come out and speak about the issue that they have. It is really good to prioritize mental health because mental well being is as important as physical well being.

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Sudha Murthy

With time, the economic condition of our country and hence, individual families have changed a lot. The young generation of India has grown up in prosperity. This is one of the reasons why it has become very difficult for them to feel happy. Having high ambitions and aspirations is good but they should also be prepared for rejections. In the current scenario, to remain calm and grow consistently, mental health is as important as physical health.

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Illena D'Cruz

I'm aware that I need to be able to be healthy, not just physically but mentally. Just because someone doesn’t look or appear to be struggling with their mental health, doesn’t mean that they aren’t. Never assume

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Selena Gomez

I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting on stage, or right after leaving the stage. Therapy really helped me. I wish more people would talk about therapy.

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Kiran Mazumdar

The mental-health crisis will cost India over a trillion dollars in lost productivity between 2012 and 2030. We need to make urgent and active policy interventions coupled with adequate resource allocations to tackle the crisis.

Start your journey now

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AtEase is an inclusive mental health platform for cis-women, trans-women and non-binary individuals. We provide compassionate, personalised, online therapy in India. Our mental health web therapy is done by some of the best mental health counselors in India in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Our multilingual mental health counselors and experts are available for online help. The counselors have an intersectional, queer affirmative, trauma informed and social justice-oriented approach. Avail online therapy instead of ‘in-person’ therapy due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions and work on your mental wellbeing with the best counselors for online therapy in India

AtEase does not provide crisis support; when an individual is experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, or is showing symptoms of severe mental health conditions. If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, reach out to a suicide helpline in your country of residence:

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